Showing posts with label AIX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIX. Show all posts

Friday, 3 December 2021

BLV Issue 0301-168 bosboot: The current boot logical volume, /dev/, does not exist on /dev/hdisk0.

This Post resolves the below BLV issue. If you got this error while creating/re-creating the boot image on rootvg disk, follow the below steps to resolve the issue.

# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0

0516-602 lslv: Logical volume name not entered.

Usage: lslv [-L] [-l | -m] [-n DescriptorPV] LVname

       lslv: [-L] [-n DescriptorPV] -p PVname [LVname]

Lists the characteristics of a logical volume.

0301-168 bosboot: The current boot logical volume, /dev/,

        does not exist on /dev/hdisk0.


1. Check if hd5 logical volume exists on rootvg disk. If rootvg is mirrored, verify both disks.

# lsvg -p rootvg
# lsvg -l rootvg
# lspv -l hdisk0
# lspv -l hdisk1

2. Logical Volume hd5 must be on the 1st PP of the disk.

# lslv -m hd5

3. To save the base customized information and see verbose output. If it shows no boot image found on disk, next we have to remove and re-create the logical volume hd5.

# savebase -v
No boot images found on disk...

4. Remove and re-create the logical volume hd5.

# rmlv hd5

# mklv -y hd5 -t boot -a e rootvg 1 hdisk0

5. Next remove the file ipldevice under /dev and try to create the boot image on disk. If it shows the same error, then we have to boot device information on hdisk0.

# ls -lrt /dev/ipldevice*
# rm /dev/ipldevice
# ln /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice

# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice  ( If you got same error )

6. Verify the boot device information on hdisk0. If it displays a 1 the IPL code in the ROS on the machine running the command is capable of booting from the specified disk. Otherwise, the command displays a 0.

# bootinfo -B hdisk0          ( Show output 1 )
# ln /dev/rhd5 /dev/ipl_blv
# cd /dev                             ( Same major /minor numbers)

7. Now we got the same minor and major number for hdisk0.

# ls -ld /dev/ipldevice
crw-------    2 root     system       13,  0 Oct 31 2019  ipldevice

# ls -ld /dev | grep -i "13,  0"
# ls -l /dev | grep "13,  0"
brw-------    1 root     system       13,  0 Dec 03 12:57 hdisk0
crw-------    2 root     system       13,  0 Dec 03 06:59 ipldevice
crw-------    2 root     system       13,  0 Dec 03 06:59 rhdisk0

8. Create boot image on ipldevice. Now it will work and next try to create/ re-create boot images on hdisk0.

# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice

bosboot: Boot image is 53276 512 byte blocks.

# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0
# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1

Thanks for reading this post. Please comment if you like it.

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

System Resource Controller (SRC) in AIX

The full form of SRC is System Resource Controller. By Using SRC we can manage the demons, SRC commands are:

#startsrc ---> To start the Deamons/Services
#stopsrc ---> To stop the Deamon/Services
#lssrc ---> To display the Deamon/Services status.

Demons/Deamons or Services:

Demon is a process or protocal, it is running on the background of the server, the Demons or managed by the SRC commands such as (startsrc, stopsrc and lssrc). We have several deamons on Aix/Unix.


Network Deamons
Installation Deamon
Error demon
Telenet/SSH demons
NFS Demons


By using lssrc command we can list demons status.

#lssrc -a --> To list the all demons in the system with their status.
#lssrc -g <groupname> --> To display the group of deamons with their status.
#lssrc -g nfs --> To display all NFS group deamons status.
#lssrc -s <Demon> --> To display the single deamon status, or particular demon status.
#lssrc -s biod,


By using stopsrc we can stop the deamons or services.

#stopsrc -g <groupname> --> To stop the group of deamons at a time.
#stopsrc -s <Deamon> --> To stop the single demon.


By startsrc we can start the Deamons.

#startsrc -g <groupname> --> To start the group of deamons at a time.
#startsrc -s <deamon> --> To start the single demon.

Restart the Deamons:

If we need any deamon restart, we have to stop the deamon and start it.

#refresh -s <demon> --> To refresh the demon


1) All Deamons are presented on /etc/services file or /etc/inetd.conf configuration files.
2) If any demons are commented (#) on above configuration files, the demons will not work.
3) Except errdemon, all demons are managed by SRC commands.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

AIX LVM : File System Commands List

This post describes that few AIX LVM Volume Group Commands. Below are the list.

Lists all filesystems in the /etc/filesystems entry.
 # lsfs                                                          
List all filesystems with detailed info.
 # lsfs -q

To list all filesystems (default).
 # lsfs -a

To specify the output in list format.
 # lsfs -l

To specify the output in column format.
 # lsfs -c  

To lists all jfs filesystems.                                                    
 # lsfs -v jfs                                                

To lists all jfs2 filesystems.
 # lsfs -v jfs2

Creates FS /testfs of type jfs in VG testvg of blocksize 64465.
 # crfs -v jfs -g testvg -a size=64465 -m /testfs

Create FS /testfs of type jfs on device /dev/lv00.
 # crfs -v jfs -d /dev/lv00 -m /testfs

Create a Filesystem /test of type jfs2 on VG testvg with 10G size.
crfs -v jfs2 -g testvg -m /test -A yes -a size=10G -p rw

Create a Filesystem /test of type jfs2 on LV testlv(Not required to specify size here)
crfs -v jfs2 -d testlv -m /test -A yes -p rw

To change size of FS /si to 24576 x 512 bytes blocks (12 MB).
 # chfs -a size=24576 /si

To add 24576 x 512 byte blocks to FS /si.
 # chfs -a size=+24576 /si

To decrease the filesystem size in AIX.
 # chfs -asize=-500M /file/system

To change the mount point from /si to /bi
 # chfs -m /si /bi

To auto mount the filesystem si.
 # chfs -A /si

To Remove account attribute of /si. ( from /etc/filesystems file).
 # chfs -d account /si

To mount the 2nd copy of mirrored filesystem oracle to /backup in read-only mode.
 # chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /oracle

To delete filesystem /testfs and associated LV.
 # rmfs /testfs

To deletes FS /testfs its mount point and associated LV.
 # rmfs -r /testfs

To defragment the file system /sifs.
 # defragfs /sifs

Display the current defrag status of the file system.
 # defragfs -q /sifs

To fsck the filesystem associated to /dev/lv00 assuming response "yes"
 # fsck  -y n /dev/lv00

To restore superblock from backup superblock
fsck -p /dev/lv00

Previous posts we were discussed commands list for physical volumes AIX LVM Physical Volume Commands
AIX Volume Group Commands 
AIX LVM Volume Group Commands
AIX Logical Volume commands AIX Logical Volume Commands

AIX LVM : Logical Volume Commands List

This post describes that few AIX LVM Logical Volume Commands. Below are the commands list.

Creates a testlv logical volume.
 # mklv -y (lv) -t jfslog (vg) (No of PP's) (pv Name optional)

 # mklv -y testlv -t jfs2 testvg 20 hdiskXX

To display info about LV by PV.
 # lslv -l lv00

To display LV allocation map for hdisk1.
 # lslv -p hdisk1

To change the fslv00 to copy type.
 # chlv -t copy fslv00

To rename LV fslv00 to silv.
 # chlv –n silv fslv00

To change the ora1data_lv to <XXX to 950 PP>.
 # chlv -x 950 ora1data_lv

To change the lv00 to readonly mode.
 # chlv -p r lv00

To remove the logical volume testlv.
 # rmlv testlv

To remove testlv without user intervention.
 # rmlv -f testlv

To make LV testlv  with three copies on hdisk1.
 # mklv  -s n -c 3 testlv hdisk1

To extend the LV testlv with 5 LPs.
 # extendlv  testlv 5

To mirror LV testlv on same PV with 2 copies.
 # mklvcopy -s n testlv 2 hdisk1

To mirror LV testlv on PV hdisk1 and hdisk2 with 3 copies.
 # mklvcopy testlv 3 hdisk1 hdisk2

To remove one copy of  LV testls from hdisk1.
 # rmlvcopy testlv 2 hdisk1

To create a jfslog with name log00 on VG newvg with 2LPs.
 # mklv -t jfslog -y log00 newvg 2

To format jfslog volume log00.
 # logform /dev/log00

Move a logical volume between physical volumes. Both physical volumes must be in the same volume group.
 # migratepv -l (lv) (old pv) (new pv)

Initializes an LV for use as an JFSlog.
 # logform (/dev/lv)

Displays Logical Volume Control Block information.
 # getlvcb -AT (lv)

Previous post describes commands list for physical volumes AIX LVM Physical Volume Commands and AIX Volume Group Commands AIX LVM Volume Group Commands

AIX LVM : Volume Group Commands List

This post describes that few AIX LVM Volume Group Commands. Below are the list.

To display all VGs in server.
 # lsvg

To display all active VGs in server.
 # lsvg -o

To display complete information about rootvg.
 # lsvg rootvg

To display information about all LVs in rootvg.
 # lsvg  -l rootvg

To display information about all LVs in all VGs.
 # lsvg -o |lsvg -il

To display information about all PVs in rootvg.
 # lsvg  -p rootvg

Create VG with name testvg on hdisk1 with physical partition size 256MB.
 # mkvg -y testvg -s 256 hdisk1

Create VG with name oravg on hdiskXX with partition size 512MB.
 # mkvg -s 512 -y oravg hdiskXX

Create BIG Volume Group.
 # mkvg -B -y  bigvg -s 512 hdisk1

Create scalable VG with name testvg.
 # mkvg -S -y testvg -s 512 hdisk1

Create testvg on hdisk1 with PP size 4 and no of partions 2 * 1016.
 # mkvg -s 4 -t 2 -y testvg hdisk1

To change VG newvg automatically activated at startup.
 # chvg -a y newvg

To deactivate the automatic activation at startup.
 # chvg -a n newvg

To change maximum no. of PP to 2032 on vg newvg.
 # chvg -t 2 newvg

To disable quorum on VG newvg.
 # chvg -Q n newvg

To reorganises PP allocation of  VG newvg.
 # reorgvg  newvg

To add PV hdisk3 and hdisk4 to VG newvg.
 # extendvg newvg hdisk3 hdisk4

To Export the VG newvg.
 # exportvg newvg

To import the hdisk2 with name  newvg, and assign major number 44.
 # importvg -V 44 -y newvg   hdisk2

To remove PV hdisk3 from VG newvg.
 # redcucevg newvg hdisk3

To deactviate VG newvg.
 # varyoffvg newvg

To activate VG newvg.
 # varyonvg newvg

To sync the mirrored LV in the VG oravg.
 # syncvg -v oravg

To mirror lv’s of sivg with hdisk2(-m for extract mirror,-S for forbackground miror).
 # mirrorvg –S –m sivg hdisk2

To remove the mirrored PV from the set.
 # unmirrorvg sivg hdisk2


Previous post describes commands list for physical volumes AIX LVM Physical Volume Commands

AIX LVM : Physical Volume Commands List

This post describes that few AIX LVM Physical Volume Commands. Below are the list.

To displays the all physical volumes.
 # lspv

To display  PP usage of hdisk0.
 # lspv -p hdisk0

To list all logical volumes on PV hdisk0.
 # lspv -l hdisk0

To Close the PV (Used while removing PV without varyon).
 # chpv -v r hdisk1

To open the PV in AIX.
 # chpv -v a hdisk1

To clear the master boot record on PV hdisk0.
 # chpv -c hdisk0

To move PPs from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2.
 # migratepv  hdisk1 hdisk2

To migrate LV silv from PV hdisk1 to hdisk2.
 # migratepv -l silv hdisk1 hdisk2

To change or assign the pvid to new disk (Don't execute on existing PV).
 # chdev -l hdiskXX -a pv=clear

 # chdev -l hdiskXX -a pv=yes

Friday, 6 September 2019

How to disable SSH direct root login in AIX

In this post will discuss about to disable the direct root user login permanently. For security reasons you should not share the root password to others and however you can directly login from console either physical or virtual console.
Suppose if you have root password you can run commands whatever you want so in realtime this is not going to happen because SUDO will be implemented and direct root login has been disabled.
If you have are a oracle user you are authorised to run oracle related commands,files and directories

Step 1 : Take the backup of /etc/ssh/sshd_config file
# cp -rp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config_orgi

Step 2 : Disable "PermitRootLogin no" entry from /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. By default it mentioned as "yes" change it to "no"
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

PermitRootLogin no


save it

Step 3 : Stop the ssh services and again start the ssh services.To reflect the ssh changes.

# stopsrc -s sshd
# startsrc -s sshd

Note : Direct root login has been disbaled. If you want to login as a root two ways to login

1. Login from console its either physical or virtual
2. Login with your own user ID then switch to root
# ssh serverX@USERID
# su - root

Thanks for reading this Post

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Installation Methods in AIX

Three available installation methods in AIX
1. New and Complete Overwrite
2. Preservation
3. Migration

1. New and Complete Overwrite :
To build a new LPAR/Standalone server New and Complete Overwrite is only way to install the operating system.In this method if you want to install OS on existing version, it will completely overwrite the data.Take the backup before going to install OS on existing version.This is the default option when you newly installing the server.It is useful to overwrite the rootvg and resize the rootvg. Insert the CD/DVD or assign NIM resources like lpp_source and SPOT or mksysb and SPOT

How to select New and Complete Overwrite :

Insert the CD/DVD or assign NIM resources like lpp_source and SPOT or mksysb and SPOT

a). Goto to installation and Maintenance menu
b). Select 2 for Change Method of Installation
c). Select 1 for New and Complete overwrite

Change Method of Installation
Type the number of your choice and press Enter.

1 New and Complete Overwrite
Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: Only use this method if the disk is totally empty or there is nothing
on the disk you want to preserve.

2 Preservation Install
Preserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: This method overwrites the user (/usr), variable (/var), temporary
(/tmp), and root (/) file systems. Other product (application) files and
configuration data will be destroyed.

3 Migration Install
Upgrades the Base Operating System to current release. Other product
(application) files and configuration data are saved.
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [1]: 1

If you want to go back to previous menu select 99.

2. Preservation :
This installation method is used to preserve user data in root volume group.It will removes data under /(root), /usr, /var and /tmp ,take the backup before going to install preservation BOS installation method.It will preserves user specified filesystems,/home and dump devices.You want to save additional files during the Preservation Installation add the entries into /etc/preserv.list.

How to select Preservation Method :
Insert the CD/DVD or assign NIM resources like lpp_source and SPOT or mksysb and SPOT

a). Goto to installation and Maintenance menu
b). Select 2 for Change Method of Installation
c). Select 2 for Preservation

Change Method of Installation
Type the number of your choice and press Enter.

1 New and Complete Overwrite
Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: Only use this method if the disk is totally empty or there is nothing
on the disk you want to preserve.

2 Preservation Install
Preserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: This method overwrites the user (/usr), variable (/var), temporary
(/tmp), and root (/) file systems. Other product (application) files and
configuration data will be destroyed.

3 Migration Install
Upgrades the Base Operating System to current release. Other product
(application) files and configuration data are saved.
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [1]: 2

If you want to go back to previous menu select 99.

3. Migration :
This installation method is use to migrate server from one operating system to other operating system like from AIX5.3 to AIX6.1 or AIX7.1 .It will preserves content in root volume group,logical volumes,filesystems and system configuration files except /tmp .It clean up content under /tmp filesystem. You configured sendmail,message of the day(/etc/motd) ...etc before going to install in this method take backup of /etc/ , /etc/motd ..etc . If you are migrating from AIX5.3 to AIX6.1/ AIX7.1 by default option will be Migration.

How to select Migration Method:
Insert the CD/DVD or assign NIM resources like lpp_source and SPOT or mksysb and SPOT

a). Goto to installation and Maintenance menu
b). Select 2 for Change Method of Installation
c). Select 3 for Migration

Change Method of Installation
Type the number of your choice and press Enter.

1 New and Complete Overwrite
Overwrites EVERYTHING on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: Only use this method if the disk is totally empty or there is nothing
on the disk you want to preserve.

2 Preservation Install
Preserves SOME of the existing data on the disk selected for installation.
Warning: This method overwrites the user (/usr), variable (/var), temporary
(/tmp), and root (/) file systems. Other product (application) files and
configuration data will be destroyed.

3 Migration Install
Upgrades the Base Operating System to current release. Other product
(application) files and configuration data are saved.
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [3]: 3

If you want to go back to previous menu select 99.

Thanks for reading this Post

AIX Migration from AIX5.3/6.1 to AIX 7.1 Using NIMADM

NIMADM is a facility to move the server from one operating system(AIX 5.3) to another operating system(AIX6.1 or 7.1).The nimadm is an utility having more advantages to compare CD/DVD migration.
In CD/DVD migration method will override /tmp, means whatever the data exist inside /tmp will removed be in new OS version.
NIMADM takes a copy of client server rootvg to spare disk(hdisk5) and simultaneously migrate the server to new OS version.This can be done without downtime and no disruption to client.mksysb backup is optional.

Minimum downtime: Once OS migration completed, downtime required for reboot the client to take into new OS version(AIX6.1 or 7.1). It will take 30-45min per the system.

No Outage : NIMADM is online migration,during the migration process no impact to applications and database.

Easy to Rollback: If applications/Databases are not running as ealier, it very simple to rollback to old level.Just change the bootlist and reboot client server. NIMADM failes in middle whatever the changes are made in altinst_root. It won't impact to original rootvg.

NIM Master take the workload, this will reduce the overhead on client

For example : Consider the naming conventions as below
NIM Master : aixnim
NIM Client  : aix45
lpp_source   : aix7134_lpp
SPOT          : aix1734_spot
Spare disk   : hdisk5

Pre-Checks and Implementation on NIM Master :
1. NIM master running AIX7.1 or latest level of Technology Level/Service Pack.
   # oslevel -s

2. Same level of bos.alt_disk_install.rte fileset must be installed on NIM master rootvg and SPOT
   # lslpp -l|grep -i bos.alt_disk_install.rte

3. NIM resources lpp_source and SPOT level must be same or lower version of NIM Master OS level. We won't migrate higher than NIM Master.
   # lsnim -l aix7134_lpp
   # lsnim -l aix7134_spot

4. Get the new disk from SAN with same or higher size of NIM master rootvg. To create nimadmvg
   # mkvg -y nimadmvg -s 128 hdisk1

5. Update ip address and client name in /etc/hosts
   # vi /etc/hosts
6. Define nim client machine
   # smit nim_mkmac

7. Check rsh connectivity between NIM master and client. NIM master able to run commands through rsh.
   # rsh aix45 date

8. bos.alt_disk_install.rte fileset must be installed on NIM master and also in the SPOT.If not you have to add the fileset to SPOT.  
 # lslpp -l bos.alt_disk_install.rte
   # nim -o showres aix7134_lpp | grep -i bos.alt_disk_install.rte (Check on lpp_source)

   # nim -o showres aix1734_spot | grep -i bos.alt_disk_install.rte (Check on SPOT)

   # nim -o cust -a filesets=bos.alt_disk_install.rte -a lpp_source=aix7134_lpp aix7134_spot (add fileset to SPOT)

Pre-Checks and Implementation on NIM Client :
9. Verify oslevel, missing filesets and commit applied filesets
   # oslevel -s
   # lppchk -vm3
   # instfix -i | grep ML
   # instfix -i | grep SP
   # installp -c all   (commit applied filesets)

10. Check hardware,software and firmware levels must be support to required AIX level which you migrating
   # lsmcode -c

11. Get spare disk with same or higher size of client rootvg. If rootvg mirrored break it and use it for migration.
   # lspv

rootvg mirrored :

   # bootinfo -b
   # mirrorvg rootvg hdisk1
   # reducevg -df rootvg hdisk1
   # chpv -c hdisk1
   # bootlist -m normal -o
   # bootlist -ad /dev/hdisk0
   # bootlist -m normal -o

12. lv names must be less tham 11 characters
   # lsvg -l rootvg

13. rsh must be enabled on client. Check root user home directory weather it will be / or /home/root (ex: /home/root)
   # chsubserver -a -v shell -p tcp6 -r inetd
   # refresh -s inetd

   # cd /home/root
   # rm .rhosts
   # vi .rhosts (add as below)
     aixnim  root
   # chmod 600 .rhosts

Check following command on NIM master
   # rsh aix45 date

14. Take the backup of system configuration files like /etc/ , /etc/motd, netstat -rn,vmo -a, ioo -a ...etc

15. Verify the /etc/niminfo file. NIM Master details must updated on this file. If not exist run (#smit nim) and enter NIM master details.
    # cat /etc/niminfo
    # smit nim (to create /etc/niminfo file)

16. Take the mksysb backup if you want.
   # mksysb -i <destination path>

Run NIMADM Command on NIM Master:

# nimadm -j <nimadmvg> -c <clientname> -l <lpp_source> -s <SPOT> -d <spare disk> -Y

# nimadm -j nimadmvg -c aix45 -l aix7134_lpp -s aix7134_spot -d hdisk5 -Y

  -j VG specified on NIM Master
  -c client machine name defined in NIM Master
  -l Name of lpp_source defined in NIM Master
  -s Name of SPOT defined in NIM Master
  -d spare disk for alternate rootvg(altinst_rootvg)
  -Y Accept license

Once migration starts cache file systems create the in nimadmvg and removes the after successful migration.
The migration process will takes in 12 phases .The following is the output of 12 phases while migration is going on

Post Migration :

1. After NIMADM completed,check the bootlist and set to hdisk5(altinst_rootvg)
   # bootlist -m normal -o
   # bootlist -m normal hdisk5 hdisk0

2. Inform to application/database team to stop  applications/database

3. Reboot the server and once it came up check the oslevel
   # oslevel -s

   # shutdown -Fr (It will take few minutes to Power UP)
   # oslevel -s
   # lppchk -vm3
   # instfix -i | grep ML
   # instfix -i | grep SP

4. Inform to application/database team to start  applications/database

5. Disable rsh after the migration
   # chsubserver -d -v shell -p tcp6 -r inetd
   # refresh –s inetd
   # cd /home/root
   # rm .rhosts
   # ln -s /dev/null .rhosts

NIMADM 12 Phases :

Initializing the NIM master.
Initializing NIM client aix45.
Verifying alt_disk_migration eligibility.
Initializing log: /var/adm/ras/alt_mig/aix45_alt_mig.log
Starting Alternate Disk Migration.

Executing nimadm phase 1.
Cloning altinst_rootvg on client, Phase 1.
Client alt_disk_install command: alt_disk_copy -j -M 6.1 -P1 -d "hdisk5"
Calling mkszfile to create new / file.
Checking disk sizes.
Creating cloned rootvg volume group and associated logical volumes.
Creating logical volume alt_hd5
Creating logical volume alt_paging00
Creating logical volume alt_hd8
Creating logical volume alt_hd4
Creating logical volume alt_hd2
Creating logical volume alt_hd9var
Creating logical volume alt_hd3
Creating logical volume alt_hd1
Creating logical volume alt_hd10opt
Creating logical volume alt_lg_dumplv
Creating logical volume alt_hd11admin
Creating /alt_inst/ file system.
Creating /alt_inst/admin file system.
Creating /alt_inst/home file system.
Creating /alt_inst/opt file system.
Creating /alt_inst/tmp file system.
Creating /alt_inst/usr file system.
Creating /alt_inst/var file system.
Generating a list of files
for backup and restore into the alternate file system...
Phase 1 complete.

Executing nimadm phase 2.
Creating nimadm cache file systems on volume group migvg.
Checking for initial required migration space.
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/admin
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/home
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/opt
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/tmp
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/usr
Creating cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/var

Executing nimadm phase 3.
Syncing client data to cache ...

Executing nimadm phase 4.
nimadm: There is no user customization script specified for this phase.

Executing nimadm phase 5.
Saving system configuration files.
Checking for initial required migration space.
Setting up for base operating system restore.
Restoring base operating system.
Merging system configuration files.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge Config_Rules.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SRCextmeth.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SRCsubsys.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge SWservAt.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge pse.conf.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge vfs.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge xtiso.conf.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdAtXtd.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdDv.
Running migration merge method: convert_errnotify.
Running migration merge method: passwd_mig.
Running migration merge method: login_mig.
Running migration merge method: user_mrg.
Running migration merge method: secur_mig.
Running migration merge method: RoleMerge.
Running migration merge method: methods_mig.
Running migration merge method: mkusr_mig.
Running migration merge method: group_mig.
Running migration merge method: ldapcfg_mig.
Running migration merge method: ldapmap_mig.
Running migration merge method: convert_errlog.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge GAI.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge PdAt.
Running migration merge method: merge_smit_db.
Running migration merge method: ODM_merge fix.
Running migration merge method: merge_swvpds.
Running migration merge method: SysckMerge.

Executing nimadm phase 6.
Installing and migrating software.
Updating install utilities.
                    Pre-installation Verification...
Verifying selections...done
Verifying requisites...done
Executing nimadm phase 7.
nimadm: There is no user customization script specified for this phase.

Executing nimadm phase 8.
Creating client boot image.
bosboot: Boot image is 49152 512 byte blocks.
Writing boot image to client's alternate boot disk hdisk5.

Executing nimadm phase 9.
Adjusting client file system sizes ...
Adjusting size for /
Adjusting size for /admin
Adjusting size for /home
Adjusting size for /opt
Adjusting size for /tmp
Adjusting size for /usr
Adjusting size for /var
Syncing cache data to client ...
Expanding /alt_inst/tmp client filesystem.
Filesystem size changed to 11796480
Filesystem size changed to 2883584
Filesystem size changed to 6029312
Filesystem size changed to 262144
Executing nimadm phase 10.
Unmounting client mounts on the NIM master.
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/var
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/var
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/usr
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/usr
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/tmp
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/tmp
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/opt
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/opt
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/home
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/home
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/admin
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst/admin
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst
forced unmount of /aix45_alt/alt_inst
Removing nimadm cache file systems.
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/admin
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/home
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/opt
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/tmp
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/usr
Removing cache file system /aix45_alt/alt_inst/var

Executing nimadm phase 11.
Cloning altinst_rootvg on client, Phase 3.
Client alt_disk_install command: alt_disk_copy -j -M 7.1 -P3 -d "hdisk5"
## Phase 3 ###################
Verifying altinst_rootvg...
Modifying ODM on cloned disk.
forced unmount of /alt_inst/var
forced unmount of /alt_inst/usr
forced unmount of /alt_inst/tmp
forced unmount of /alt_inst/opt
forced unmount of /alt_inst/home
forced unmount of /alt_inst/admin
forced unmount of /alt_inst Changing logical volume names in volume group descriptor area.
Fixing LV control blocks...
Fixing file system superblocks...
Bootlist is set to the boot disk: hdisk5 blv=hd5

Executing nimadm phase 12.
Cleaning up alt_disk_migration on the NIM master.
Cleaning up alt_disk_migration on client aix45.

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